On March 20, 2024, a historic moment took place in the European Parliament: the EU UAP Event 2024. This groundbreaking event was organized to introduce the topic of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) in an accessible way to parliamentarians, policymakers and other interested professionals for the European Union.

The event was a unique collaboration between MEPs Francisco Guerreiro and UAP Coalition Netherlands.

Because there is growing political interest in the subject in other countries such as the United States, Canada and Japan and UAP legislation has been implemented in the United States, for example, it is important that the European Union does not lag behind in drawing up protocols and writing of regulations for UAP. During the event it was made clear in an accessible manner why the EU must take action.

During the event, five leading speakers were each given 10 minutes to share their expertise on various aspects of UAP. These topics together formed a digital book, accessible to everyone and with a focus on those who know little or nothing about UAP.

Unfortunately, we could not invite everyone to be physically present. The available space was limited and we had to find a good balance between UAP experts from Europe and interested politicians and policy makers. However, we hope that in the future there will be more opportunities to welcome a larger group of guests to the heart of the European Union.

Even though there were not enough places available, there was an option to follow the event online.

After the event there was room for a Q&A with the speakers, where interesting questions were asked.

As UAP Coalition Netherlands we have drawn up a position paper, which can be downloaded through this link . A position paper is a document in which an individual, organization or group sets out a specific position or policy position on a particular topic. It aims to inform others about the views, arguments and recommendations regarding the subject.

Do you have any questions about UAP? Please feel free Contact with us. We are ready to answer your questions as best as possible.

summary EU UAP Event 2024

MEP Francisco Guerreiro introduced the topic. He wants to start a debate on UAP at EU level and reduce the stigma surrounding the subject in aviation, defence, media, policy makers and society. He believes it is important that the subject is approached scientifically, in collaboration with researchers, policy makers, social sectors and professionals. Transparency and exchange of data is essential.

On March 11, 2024, Francisco Guerreiro submitted a motion to the European Parliament to amend the EU Regulation on reporting, analysis and follow-up of civil aviation occurrences to allow UAP to be reported and analyzed in a consistent and transparent manner. The aim is a harmonized EU database and exchange of information between EU member states. In addition, in January 2024 he asked a question in the European Parliament on how a monitoring and reporting system for UAP could be included in the EU Space Law.

André Jol of UAP Coalition Netherlands explained that many observations are made by trained professionals and citizens. A large part is explainable (e.g. airplanes, satellites, drones, balloons, planets, etc.). But an important part cannot be explained, despite extensive research. This is based, among other things, on data from GEIPAN, the French government organization that collects and analyzes French UAP data. He also pointed out how UAPs are fundamentally different from regular objects and why they potentially pose a threat to air safety. He emphasized that it is important that professionals (aviation, defense, police) and citizens can report their UAP experiences and observations without stigma or professional repercussions. He pointed out the possibility of amending relevant EU legislation.

The Italian researcher Edoardo Russo from the scientific European UAP research network EuroUFOnet, the network UAPCheck and CISU (Italian UAP organization) provided an overview of the phenomenon. In many EU countries, volunteer organizations are active that collect data from UAP observations, analyze and publish it. He showed that almost all EU countries have been affected by waves of UAP sightings from the 1950s to the present. A number of European countries have already released military files on UAP. It is important to make use of the knowledge and experience of existing national UAP organizations.

The Swedish astronomer Dr. Beatriz Villarroel from the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics at Stockholm University explained that due to the great stigma surrounding the UAP topic, hardly any research has been done by scientific institutes. However, several scientific projects have recently been started by renowned universities, including the Galileo project from Harvard University. This project investigates possible extraterrestrial technological objects near Earth using various observation techniques, including telescopes and cameras. Further more, NASA appointed a UAP research director in 2023. In France UAP observations are scientifically investigated, provided that sufficient data is available (such as radar). Beatriz Villarroel conducts her own research into anomalous high-altitude flashes of light that appeared and disappeared within minutes in photos from 1952 and other years before satellites existed. This indicates unknown objects in our atmosphere. She is setting up a worldwide network of telescopes to conduct further research into this.

Dutch pilot Christiaan van Heijst talked about his own experiences. In his 20 years as a pilot, he has seen unexplained objects over Europe several times. Since he first spoke openly about this two years ago, many pilots with similar experiences have turned to him. He is an ambassador of the UAP Coalition Netherlands and attaches great importance to aviation safety. He thinks it is important to make the subject open for discussion within the aviation world. There is a great need for a formal reporting and analysis system, which currently does not exist.


Ryan Graves, former US Navy pilot and founder of “Americans for Safe Aerospace (ASA),” spoke via video feed. He talked about his own UAP sightings and those of other military pilots, which were extensively recorded with radar and infrared cameras. He also pointed out the reliability of these observations by pilots. Military and civilian pilots worldwide regularly see UAP, which they usually don't talk about because of the stigma. They cannot report their observations because there is no clear process for this and therefore hardly any research takes place. That's why he founded ASA, which collects observations from many pilots and provides advice to policymakers. Governments play an important role in reducing UAP stigma and establishing a systematic system of UAP observations by pilots. There has recently been one in the US for this bill was submitted in the US that has strong political support. ASA provided advice and increased knowledge among politicians and various organizations, including pilot unions and associations. The All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) recently announced that it will monitor UAP at military bases with special sensors. He said later in the discussion that he is not satisfied with the recent AARO report on the history of UAP and the government and that its conclusions are not consistent with recommendations within the US Department of Defense to take UAP seriously.

Various topics were discussed in the Q&A that followed the presentations. It is necessary to use the experience and expertise of volunteer organizations that have been collecting and analyzing UAP observations for decades. Better data quality is essential, which should meet the 'FAIR' criteria (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). Scientific research is already being done, such as by the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies (SCU), but often with little money and EU financing would therefore be very helpful. Multidisciplinary research is important, as for example is being done by the recently established SOL Foundation is being done. Also in Germany scientific research is conducted. The topic should be analyzed worldwide to promote military security. Awareness should be increased, including among professionals, by exchanging reliable information and through education.

The EASA representative present pointed out that there is already an EU-wide system for reporting safety-relevant events in aviation. It is possible that pilots will increasingly use this system to report their UAP incidents, creating greater awareness at EU level that there is a real need for action. However, Christiaan van Heijst noted that pilots are not very familiar with this system and that it is not really suitable for UAP reporting. André Jol also pointed this out and said that the EU can learn from the bill in the US for a UAP reporting system for pilots. Francisco Guerreiro said his recently tabled resolution aims to allow reporting by pilots in the EU without stigma. He stressed the need for a uniform, EU-wide system for reporting, monitoring and analyzing UAP sightings by pilots. Several participants pointed out that use can be made of the expertise and existing questionnaires and protocols of civilian UAP organizations.

Furthermore, it was discussed how existing UAP organizations and databases with observations of professionals and citizens can contribute to a possible future EU system for UAP data, analysis and reporting.

Parliamentarian Guerreiro further pointed out that the EU could lose the trust of the population if they do not tackle the issue in a transparent manner. He believes it is very important to reduce the stigma surrounding the subject. In his opinion, political will is essential to get the issue on the political agenda. He hopes that this will happen in the new European Parliament and the European Commission after the elections in June 2024. In his opinion, if a coalition of various political groups can be formed, much is possible, in a gradual manner and supported by a scientific approach.

More information

Presentations can be found here:

Here's the earlier one position paper of the UAP Coalition Netherlands on reporting of UAP by pilots.

A number of organizations and media from various countries have published about the meeting:

Edoardo Russo – UAPCheck – European Commission Event on UAP – The Historical EU Context

Jochen Ickinger – UAPCheck – UAP in the Parliament

Gian Paolo Grassino – CISU, GLI UAP al Parlamento Europeo

Danny Ammon – GEP – GEP represents itself in the European Parliament

Elise Kjørstad – – If you look at the original object of the UFO theme: – You can reveal it by blinking

Focus online – UFOs Over Europe? – Inside the EU's First Conference on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

Focus The – Pilot reports from UAP-Sichtungen in Deutschland und Griechenland schrecken EU auf

The live streaming of the meeting is on YouTube channel of Francisco Guerreiro and the UAPCNL version is below: